South of Port Orford, is a Coast Range mountain that juts up out of the ocean, forcing Highway 101 to detour around it. There's a state park and a campground there, so we decided to tackle the mountain. Here's a view of Humbug Mountain from Port Orford.
Only a little ways up, there were nice views of the ocean. We felt we were pretty high up at this point, but we were silly to think that. My legs agree.
We crossed this little creek. Luckily it wasn't too wide or dangerous!
A zoomed-in view of Port Orford from the mountain. If you squint, you can see Cape Blanco lighthouse perched on that arm of land in the background. That park and beach is about 20 minutes away from the mountain, probably.
Giant mushroom on a tree!
A nice view of the coastline. The highway goes right along the ocean, and continues that way all the way down into California. This part of the drive really is the most scenic, even if it isn't as popular as driving north.
This Stellar's jay greeted us at the summit. He flitted around a bit, and was just too beautiful. John took this picture, and he looked back at us just in time for his beauty shot.
I have this slight obsession with huge trees. You can imagine how excited I am to see the Redwoods in June!